Monday, November 19, 2007

How come you never really answer anyone's questions? You guys simply make fun of people and tell them to do stupid ridiculous things. How about some real advice, anyone can run a blog that just makes fun of people, but it takes true talent to be the next Ann Landers.

The Editor replies:
We, The Pop Vultures, resent the notion that we provide poor advice as do our panel of professionals. Each of them has read the question and each is genuinely offended by your suggestion, but, as we answer questions sent to us out of our desire to help, your accusation will be addressed as any other question would be.

As is our mission goal, "We guide the provision of advice by divvying submitted questions to a panel of professionals;" these professionals are, "experts in their respective fields and answer the questions based both on who we feel would provide the most thorough answer and, situationally, the best advice." The questions sent to us undergo analysis in a private forum within our offices by our panel and it is they who decide which of them would be able to offer the best solution, not us. We trust our panel as they have proven to us through their own work and our screening process that they are able and excellent advice-givers and life-changers. We have received numerous congratulations and thank-you's for the guidance our panelists have provided from those that came to us with problems. In fact, you are the first naysayer in our quest of changing the world for the better.

But we are not here to criticize you for your criticisms of us. No, your quandry will be answered as any other is with the only difference being that, as you have personally and professionaly attacked our panelists, we, the editors, The Pop Vultures, will respond to your issue. We personally make sure that the answers are professional and directed towards helping and trust our panel to do the same. We do not feel we "make fun of people and tell them to do stupid ridiculous things" - this is advice given by real people who have lived their lives until this point gaining experience and now have the express goal of helping you, the public. With that in mind, you must understand that they are people too; they are not omnipotent beings that can see into the futures of the people that need help, they just offer advice to the best of their ability, and we have this panel because of their superb abilities to affect the world for the better.

Now that your grievance has been aired we hope that you have a better understanding of our goal and a new appreciation of the advice we have given and will continue to give.

The Pop Vultures

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